Below are the notes I wrote down throughout his talk:
- Involved in the music industry
- Carried out a lot of work in the tattoo and piercing industry
- Attended evening school in Graphic Design
- Free thinking - typographic work
- Typographic housing installations
- Installation on Trafalgar Square
- Got commissioned to do the window display at Harrods where they used die cut cars and placed them all individually in place
- Interactive visual merchandising
- Worked a lot with editing work - interested in crafting words to tell a story
- Not a massive font obsessive
- Do care about what and how something is being communicated
- Values the importance of audience
- Went on to do 'Fun' magazine, not for profit magazine 'to be able to do what we want.'
- This then became a staple magazine
- 5000 were produced and each had 64 pages
- Worked with American Apparel
- Worked in journalism
- Vice magazine experience - Andy Capper the editor was really honest and taught him a lot (photography)
- Used to go and make trips - went to Belfast
- Grabisce - Went to Slovenia with other students and spent a year working on it, carried out interviews, 2-3000 photographs on film, DNA analysis - big political issue 55-60 years ago - became a book and some articles - self published book and he managed the distribution
- This is when DITTO PRESS started
- Realised he needed backing, being your own boss
- 8-9 people
- Revolves around publishing
- He now has little time to design as he is too busy running the business
- Runs around checking on everyone all of the time
- Risograph printing
- 80% books, letters, handouts etc
- Skinhead - an archive
- Toby Mock since 1966 been collecting all of this stuff (this links to our project)
- Toby Mock - book about craftwork
- Working on projects to do with social workers, and schizophrenia
- Loves sensitive topics
- Time consuming projects
- Always just lets things go to see where they lead
- Philosophical
We then worked with him and started to think about our own methodologies. I found it hard to understand what exactly what was expected of us today, but I am sure it will become clearer with time.
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